Holmes Place Classes

One for all, and all for one.
Why brand consistency matters.

Client Holmes Place InternacionalServices Brand, Print, Video

Group classes to suit everyone.

Holmes Place is a premium health club chain that has been bringing fitness and wellness into people’s lives worldwide since 1980. It offers a wide range of top-notch services to a large community across several countries.

HP Classes are a cutting-edge blend of fitness, functional and strength exercises, allowing everyone to achieve their goals, regardless of their starting level.

Working out in a group gives confidence and support and makes exercising even more fun, especially with so many options available.

The Quest

Finding the balance between uniqueness and cohesion.

Giving each class the strength to stand alone and still be easily identifiable as part of the HP Classes meant finding a way to integrate each class’s specific features into a consistent identity for the entire product.

The Deed

A distinctive identity for a comprehensive offering.

A strong identity for each class means a more targeted brand experience. By categorising classes through colour tones and patterns, we found an intuitive way to set them apart and came up with a solution that is both elegant and fun.

The crucial moment in bringing it all to life was the photo and video production with our good friends Anna Ciupryk and Kuba Piękoś in multiple handpicked locations of the always inspiring Warsaw. Every single shot had a story to tell.


→ Are you up for watching more videos? Visit our Youtube channel.
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