Snowplow Insights

A new user interface
for better user experience.

Client SnowplowServices Design System, UX/UI

Setting the standards for design and code.

Snowplow Insights is the best-in-class data collection platform for companies who demand high-quality, real-time event data, delivered in a cloud-native data pipeline they fully control.

Digital event data is a rich asset. Used right it can be the difference between winning and losing.

As companies become more analytically sophisticated both applications and websites also need to evolve. Companies want to handle new and different data and to surface that data differently.

Data scientists can ask any question of data, perform any analysis and use any analytics tool. All, in real-time.

The Quest

Customers struggled to understand what Snowplow does.

As a result, they didn't use Snowplow effectively or valued it correctly, not realising it could solve many of their problems.

Selling to new clients was harder than it should be and much more education was required.

Working closely with Snowplow's development team, we put in place a design system — a new set of standards for design and code along with components that consistently unified both practices.

"We've really enjoyed working with you guys and we appreciate all the effort you've put into moving Snowplow forwards. We wouldn't be where we are without Mönarqa."

— Alex Dean
Co-founder & CEO at Snowplow
The Deed

Our goal was about making an interface where customers could manage their pipelines entirely through Snowplow Insights console.

A new way for users to visualize data, check each pipeline holistically and drill down individual components to answer high-level questions.


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